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How do you bill?

We have found that our clients prefer monthly invoices that we send out the 1st of each month.

Type of grasses/benefits:

Kentucky bluegrass is the most common and definitely likes the sun.
Red fiscue is used most commonly in the shade.

Watering Tips:

Early morning is best and a long duration is better than frequent short sprinklings.

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Estimate formulation:

Maintenance is based on square footage and the general number of obstacles. Sod price is about $2.00 a square foot. All plants are based on wholesale price x2, are planted and guaranteed.

Advice to someone selling their house:

Landscaping is a proven factor when buyers are evaluating a house’s value. We recommend you modernize your landscaping, and add color strategically. Certainly, you will want it as maintenance free as possible to appeal to most buyers.

Williams Landscaping, Inc. | 6050 N. Keystone Ave. | Chicago, IL 60646 | 773.725.4798 | info@williamslandscaping.com